1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
My favorites would have to be the youtube and doing the blog site.
It has been very fun and I have learned a lot.
2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
It has given me knowledge on new technology that I have only heard about for a long time.
Now, I know about and can do it.
3. Are there any tools or programs you plan to continue using after this program?
Again my blog and youtube.
4. Were there any unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
Yes, I completed it!!
5. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
It would help if the instructions were a little bit more informative for people who have
no knowledge on a lot of the things. Also, if we could have say 1 thing for 2 weeks to do so
that we who have family and other obligations will not feel stressed out
6. And last but not least... If we offered another discovery program like this in the future,
would you again chose to participate?
Let, me think! Ok, if I am not back in class and stressed out then, YES!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
#23 Podcast
I went into Learn Out Loud and looked up library stuff and came up with the biography for everyday people and thought this was a good site. I think Mel might find it helpful when the patron comes in and complains about us not having any biographies on non-famous people. Now we have something Mel (Ha! Ha!) Anyway it was cool looking at the Podcastalley.com and a couple of the other ones, I just didn't want to have to pay for anything so it was limited on what could be done a little bit.
#22 Downloading Audiobooks & Videos
Ok, I did this and found a book to download and then proceed to read it in one night. Yes, I really enjoyed this site. I looked up the following author Diana Palmer "Outsider"
I enjoyed her and a couple of other authors I read that we don't have some of the titles listed with reads. This is a great site, but I wished it was a little easier getting it download and signed up for.
I went in and download this dvd earlier when we first got this site for class.
"The Little Princess Starring Shirley Temple" and enjoyed watching. I do wish we had more dvd on the site, this one was real easy to download and do. I think patrons will find this easier then reads. But I liked reads better.
Ok, I did this and found a book to download and then proceed to read it in one night. Yes, I really enjoyed this site. I looked up the following author Diana Palmer "Outsider"
I enjoyed her and a couple of other authors I read that we don't have some of the titles listed with reads. This is a great site, but I wished it was a little easier getting it download and signed up for.
I went in and download this dvd earlier when we first got this site for class.
"The Little Princess Starring Shirley Temple" and enjoyed watching. I do wish we had more dvd on the site, this one was real easy to download and do. I think patrons will find this easier then reads. But I liked reads better.
#21 Youtube
"Bring Him Home Santa "
Get the tissue for this one, you're going to need it.
I love youtube and was on it until 11:30 pm at night, so need I say more!
# 20 Discovering Other Web 2.0 Tools
I have heard Sandy & Sherry talk about this site so I thought I would go and play with it. I really liked this site and would find it good to play it when on the computer, as to a use in the library maybe in the back for staff to listen to music. Yes, everyone that has done this site is crazy about it.
I have heard Sandy & Sherry talk about this site so I thought I would go and play with it. I really liked this site and would find it good to play it when on the computer, as to a use in the library maybe in the back for staff to listen to music. Yes, everyone that has done this site is crazy about it.
#19 Social Networking - Myspace
I went to myspace and looked around it with the help of yes, my friend. I was surprised to learn that you could limit to who saw your info. Plus, I found it very interesting to view what was on the sites. However, as for me no I don't think I would be doing this as a social thing. Should the library have social network sites for patrons? I feel that it shouldn't be done here in the building, due to the fact you do have so many people on and can not control what is going on. But as I said that's just me.
#18 Web-Based Apps Increase Productivity
Ok, this is for my post from Googledocs and I like. I think this would be great using it for work, if someone was working together on a project they could do it here and share it. That way everyone can work on it from different computers and not worry about getting in each others way.
#17 Creating the LPLS Staff Wiki
I went into the LPLS Wiki and played around with it with the help of Mel. I did "Copying a Library Card" and "Modifying a Library Card" and in general created or changed a wiki. This was pretty cool and hear that it will be a on going thing for us here at the Library.
#16 Wiki
I have now finished exploring, so they tell me I have to create a blog post about my findings. So I search in the following ones:
SJCPL Subject Guides
Book Lovers Wiki
I find them very interesting and will play with the some more at a later time. What types of applications within libraries might work well with a wiki? Would be staff information and calendars of when people are to work. You could have links to online sources and from books to the card catalog.
SJCPL Subject Guides
Book Lovers Wiki
I find them very interesting and will play with the some more at a later time. What types of applications within libraries might work well with a wiki? Would be staff information and calendars of when people are to work. You could have links to online sources and from books to the card catalog.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
#15 library 2.0
"To a temporary place in time..." by Dr. Wendy Schultz
Starts off talking about what libraries are from the beginning as a place to store information and books and now with the computers as a place to linkup just about any where you are to get information. Library 2.0 I feel is just the beging of things to come and it's a very exciting time. As Wendy Schultz says, "But let’s be clear: Library 4.0 will not replace Libraries 1.0 through 3.0; it will absorb them". We must learn as new things comes along to keep up, so that when the next thing out is here we are ready for it.
11 Reasons Why Library 2.0 Exists and Matters – by John Blyberg
I skip to read this one because I have been into 10 or 11 reasons anything mode lately. In my class we have talked about what the future holds for libraries and where we see them going. My paper was on the fact that technology was the key and the Library 2.0 stuff fit right into it. As the article says it will make the library’s space (virtual and physical) and as Sarah Houghton says it will "make the the library relevant".
To more powerful ways to cooperate by Chip Nilges
Web 2.0 at OCLC will allow users to share info for cataloging and I think that is great as long some rules apply to it. In the article it talks about the services under consideration include tagging, list creation and sharing, citation management, personal cataloging, and the like. This will go a long way in helping libraries with the extensive cataloging process.
All in all I can't wait to see what will come with all this new technology. So far, I have enjoyed learning it.
Starts off talking about what libraries are from the beginning as a place to store information and books and now with the computers as a place to linkup just about any where you are to get information. Library 2.0 I feel is just the beging of things to come and it's a very exciting time. As Wendy Schultz says, "But let’s be clear: Library 4.0 will not replace Libraries 1.0 through 3.0; it will absorb them". We must learn as new things comes along to keep up, so that when the next thing out is here we are ready for it.
11 Reasons Why Library 2.0 Exists and Matters – by John Blyberg
I skip to read this one because I have been into 10 or 11 reasons anything mode lately. In my class we have talked about what the future holds for libraries and where we see them going. My paper was on the fact that technology was the key and the Library 2.0 stuff fit right into it. As the article says it will make the library’s space (virtual and physical) and as Sarah Houghton says it will "make the the library relevant".
To more powerful ways to cooperate by Chip Nilges
Web 2.0 at OCLC will allow users to share info for cataloging and I think that is great as long some rules apply to it. In the article it talks about the services under consideration include tagging, list creation and sharing, citation management, personal cataloging, and the like. This will go a long way in helping libraries with the extensive cataloging process.
All in all I can't wait to see what will come with all this new technology. So far, I have enjoyed learning it.
#14 Technorati
I went to Technorati and tried doing a keyword search for “Learning 2।0” in blog posts, in tags, and in the Blog Directory. Listed below are the results and as you can see the findings are different.
blog post - 19,905 post
tags - 1,114
blog directory - 1,009
Searching for Christmas in the top searches list, I found some sites talking about Josh Gorban and his music. I looked at some other sites as well and found them of some interest. Was not real happy with this site.
blog post - 19,905 post
tags - 1,114
blog directory - 1,009
Searching for Christmas in the top searches list, I found some sites talking about Josh Gorban and his music. I looked at some other sites as well and found them of some interest. Was not real happy with this site.
#13 tagging and discover a Del.icio.us
Check out my delicio.us not much on yet, but more to come....
I checked out Delicio.us and created an account, then I viewed the one for LPLS del.icio.us bookmark list. I really liked the "10 placed to find free images on line" and went in to view some of the pictures on the sites. Can I see the potential of this tool for research assistance? Yes, when the sites are there for you it takes less time looking stuff up you just click onto a tag and you have sites. It would be cool that you can access it from different computer's and places. How could library staff use this tool? With the LPLS site it has some great stuff for library use.
I checked out Delicio.us and created an account, then I viewed the one for LPLS del.icio.us bookmark list. I really liked the "10 placed to find free images on line" and went in to view some of the pictures on the sites. Can I see the potential of this tool for research assistance? Yes, when the sites are there for you it takes less time looking stuff up you just click onto a tag and you have sites. It would be cool that you can access it from different computer's and places. How could library staff use this tool? With the LPLS site it has some great stuff for library use.
#12 Rollyo
Rollyo has been a very fun site to visit and learn about, I listed the sites I use a lot when searching for authors and books for people. However, I find that it is easier to list the sites in my favorites and search from that. But as I said it was fun to visit and learn about.
# 11 Library Thing
I created an account at Library Thing and catalogued some of my favorite holiday romances.
If you want to keep up with what you had read you could make a list to keep up with it.
Click here to check out my favorite books. http://www.librarything.com/catalog/librarystep
If you want to keep up with what you had read you could make a list to keep up with it.
Click here to check out my favorite books. http://www.librarything.com/catalog/librarystep
#10 Online Image Generators
http://www.zefrank.com/snowflake/ This is the snowflake that I created. Have fun making your own snowflakes. Just click on the link. I tried to copy my snowflake but all you could see was a black blog so I deleted the picture.
# 9 Finding Feeds
The first site I explored was Topix.net. I chose the Offbeat news stories and found one about a Welsch police chief who broke into his own office to test the security system. It seems that he climbed a scaffold and entered through an open window. My question is why was the window left open? How strange! I found Topix.net very easy to use.
The next site I visited was Technorati where I entered a search on library. I found one blog called Library Crunch. It showed 2 library signs asking people not to use the cell phone in the library. One was positive and the other was very negative. This site is a little too busy for my taste.
I tried to access Feedster, but it took too long to load.
The next site I visited was Technorati where I entered a search on library. I found one blog called Library Crunch. It showed 2 library signs asking people not to use the cell phone in the library. One was positive and the other was very negative. This site is a little too busy for my taste.
I tried to access Feedster, but it took too long to load.
# 8 bloglines
I found some interesting sites to explore. Most of my feeds will either help me at work or school or give my family some fun with local information. My brother in Floirda may like to check the news in Murfreesboro.
A great lesson.
I found some interesting sites to explore. Most of my feeds will either help me at work or school or give my family some fun with local information. My brother in Floirda may like to check the news in Murfreesboro.
A great lesson.
# 7 Digital Archives

Photograph of Mary Hannah Johnson, the first librarian of the Carnegie Library in Nashville, Tennessee, circa 1905.
I enjoyed browsing the Nashville Public Library Digital Collection. There were many interesting pictures to choose from and I decided that an old fashion librarian was perfect for a modern day blog.
I found the site easy to use.
#6 Magazine created in Flickr
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