Friday, October 19, 2007

Popcorn, Popcorn

#5 Thing: Flicker

Here is my picture (it worked) and you may wonder why Popcorn? For me this picture is appropriate because, while I have worked for Smyrna Library I have made or help make a lot of popcorn. Reading Rally, Opening Day, Books to Birth, and the carnival in years past. Lots and Lots of the stuff have been handed out (now I'm hungry!).

Mel has told me to talk about how the Flicker account can be used in the library. I think it would be cool to have a slide show of pictures on the libraries web site. That shows different events we have had or advertise up coming events such as the author coming to visit for the Walter King Hoover adult reading program.

1 comment:

Call me Al said...

I'm going to a movie tonight and that pic is making me hungry.